Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I found this verse today...author unknown...but really, it sums up so much of what I feel at the moment.  All to often we think we cannot do something until we know how to do it and yet in reality, we do things so we can learn, so we can grow, so we can become more.

We may not always know what it is we are wanting or "trying to sing" but that doesn't matter.  The real truth, the real benefit is to sing...sing heartily and enjoy the song for what it truly is....  a moment in time, a truth, a joy and a simple pleasure.

So cute....such a beautiful way to view the world.  Simplicity at its best.

Julie xx

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wishing your life away....

Have you ever wondered why you may never be satisfied with what you have; why you feel this yearning for more. 
We have all become guilty of wanting so much more, craving more to the point where we will forget what we have, we even become willing to forsake it in the eternal drive to get the next thing.
When does it stop?  When can we learn to feel satisfied with what we have.  This is a learning lesson for me.  Thankfully, I have never been too extreme in my yearnings and wants but what I do acknowledge of myself at the moment is I am not always honouring what I do have.  I am just accepting it is there and wander off to "window shop" what else is out there. 
Yet in reality, window shopping can be just as dangerous as the actual purchase.  So with this thought I have come to the realisation that I must HONOUR what I have.  My health, my family, my love of life, my furniture, my bed, my car, my house....in short my everything.
All too often we find ourselves busy so we rush the chores we have for our self.  We may not keep up maintenance on our things, our self and then we wonder why we feel this yearning for something new.. just like the shininess of something new wearing off so we want to replace it with something else.
It is now time for me to REALLY honour what I have.  To give thanks for all that is with me each and every day.  My toys, my needs and even my wants, but also to know that I willingly will be caring for everything in my life.  No more tarnished items in my life, everything can be shiny and new.... and as my verse has said "Everything will come to you at the perfect time..."  Wonderful words to live by......Love and light to you all ..Julie xx

Monday, September 24, 2012


One of the traits I notice about myself as I get older is that I acknowledge change quicker than I have in previous stages of my life.  I do acknowledge that I am a "roll with the punches" type of girl, but occasionally there have been things happen that throw me a curve ball and I react strongly, not always in the nicest manner.

I am feeling one of those changes at the moment.  Not quite able to put my finger on it...contemplating many things...unsure of which it would actually be.  Menopause, the close of a stage of my life as a mother with my youngest child leaving school and turning 18, a sister who I have developed an even closer relationship moving away after 10 or so years, a yearning for more yet not sure what is growing in me or more likely a mixture of all of the above and many more unsaid things.  Life is a constant change and we all learn to ride the ebbs and lows.

Today it is raining and it feels cleansing.  Like a washing of the past and a promise that the new will be cleansed, shiny and bright. 

I have always wanted to be in charge and know exactly what is coming my way.  What I am feeling is reminding me that I do not always know and sometimes, I need to be able to rest, renew and refresh myself with time, patience and love to be able to take on the next step that comes to me.

A time of recover, renewal and the knowledge that there is a passing of the guard.  Maybe it is a grief of sorts I am feeling.  Allow the grief, acknowledge the grief and remember like all other moments, they pass and new directions can be revealed.

Friday, March 30, 2012


just type...that is what I am getting told...so type I will. Close your eyes, it will be easier so I have and then I will just let my fingers type. With our eyes shut we can alter the projected view of ourself. We are no longer who we see in the mirror but we become the vision in our minds eye. Is this the vision I am happy to see or do I want to be something else. This is the journey I am working on. The thinking of what I am wanting, where I am heading and what will remain as I venture forth. My hip is aching. My right hip. Fear of moving forward in the physical. So what is it I am scared about. Fear of failure is the first thing I think of. Of being rejected yet again......it is only me who can reject myself and I won't this time.

Why is it we feel compelled to hold onto the old memories and hurts that do not help only serving to bring us back to where we came from. The stories have to be rewritten. The memories have to be altered. Painful events of our past only need to be remembered as a page in our book, and to turn the page and begin new chapters. The hurts were events we were to experience and learn, grow and become better people from. That is really hard when you have hurt people by doing the stupidest thing. Things that haunt your soul. Forgiveness is the hardest thing, and then to move on requires an inornate amount of strength. I am learning that strength and to the people I have hurt, I am my most humblest as I ask for forgiveness.

Almost a year....

where did the time go? One can wonder but I know that transformations beyond belief have occurred within and the work has required many hours, days and weeks of self examination. It has been tough, but so rewarding. I am learning and rediscovering so much about myself that I have held hidden for so long. Stuff that I have remembered, from where I learnt, I no longer care, just knowing that I understand and believe many things about myself now. With each hour, day, month I have learnt to trust myself and believe in my feelings. I have been blessed with many teachers, both spiritually and not. To these people, I am truly grateful for allowing long hidden parts of me to be released back into my present so I can grow.

For the people who have come to me and trust that I can guide them, I am truly thankful. Love and light to your souls for connecting with mine and for trusting me and allowing me to work with your spirit and body.

Reflexology has opened a doorway that makes me realise the untapped potential in me. I am so loving learning all that is being exposed to me. Today, I spoke to another who is very quickly becoming a mentor and teacher who will guide me into my next level. Thank you Jaye for your love and support as I venture further on this journey.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The new moon says....

I have never followed the moon. I admire the moon, I am aware of the moon, but never felt compelled to honour traditions associated with the moon. However, when reading a fellow blog today, a passage jumped out at me... The feisty Aries new moon asks you to stop procrastinating and to act now, with an important caveat, think before you act, firm self control and a solid handle on one's willpower so that the energy can be harnessed to its utmost possibility. How bloody perfect is that!!! It just jumped out at me. Just as I am about to start my holistic public venture. It feels like a ray of sunshine is landing on me or maybe it is a ray of moon beams to just keep true to myself and I am good. I do need to keep self control as I am as busy as I have ever been. I feel the strong desire to eliminate all that is not honoring myself and where and what I am doing and to do BLOODY well everything else. I can not afford to half do things as I need to keep the channels of positive energy flowing and I do not want to procrastinate over things to the point where they build up a negative energy wall. I may have false starts, I may face disappointments but I know I am strong and will know how to deal with any holdups that may occur. I have been shown a technique which enables you to "unhook" yourself from any doubters, naysayers or anyone who dispels what I do as negative. Having this ability to unhook the lines of negativity that have been attached to me, allows me to not have to carry around this weight of disappointment. I can lovingly let them go. I no longer allow them to hold onto me. All is good....Tri Hita Karana

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Loving One Self.

I am reminded today by the start of a cold and an extremely sore throat that I am not loving myself. On the surface I feel as if I am, but with these "dis -eases" I know that I am not. How do you love yourself? Is it a learned thing? Are some people born with this inate ability to love oneself so much that they never struggle with this thought/action? I have not been born with this knowledge. I have never really learnt this knowledge either. To love someone else, you have to love yourself first. I understand the concept, I do. I never have felt comfortable with it though. This is my heart chakra and is the chakra that I keep coming back to in meditations, thoughts, purchases and sicknesses. The time has come that I really learn to love myself. I have been doing baby steps, like makeup, clothes, keeping my house tidy, booking regular massages, but now it is time to work on my internal thoughts.

I have heard recently by a well known TV presenter the following thoughts. She states "Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions and your actions become your life." How profound is that? I have always struggled with myself/love with the very first connection....your thoughts become your words....I have outwardly tried to show I love myself with artificial actions, but the deepest thoughts stayed the same...and co-incidentally so did my weight....and then I would wonder why I kept being shown that I wasn't loving myself. I truly wasn't inside me...

I am now learning that for anything else to really be true for me, then the one simple step of loving myself has to be first and foremost before anything else. I know and I am now ready.

I have been given a book to read and work through...LOVING WHAT IS by Byron Katie. It is time - I am ready to do The Work that is now required. I am truly ready for this opening of my heart chakra with the knowledge that I will love myself in the deepest way possible. Thank you One and All for showing me the way on how to learn to love me. I have been asking for signs as to how to do this. I knew that I had to do it, just didn't know how. I do now.

The journey will be sad/confronting/enlightening but so enjoyable. I will learn things that I knew but would never accept and for this wonderful gift I am thankful.

Tri Hita Karana...